Remember when I said I was going to blog every day? Yeah, obviously that didn't happen, and I don't care. I have no actual followers on this blog, and really, I'm a girl with a tendency to mouth off and go on a rant. So, I remembered this ridiculous blog that I had started due to some kind of emotional anxiety attack and a need to speak without end (gag). Anyhow. . .
"To be loved is to be fortunate. To be hated is to achieve distinction." I've said this before, thanks to good old Facebook, some of you had read this before. And I truly believe in it. That being said, and I'm not claiming to be a Chicagoan born and raised (and again, I've said this before, because I know how you true Chicagoans feel, I felt the need to be redundant), but Chicago is the place to be to be so fortunate to experience both. I've lived here long enough to know that the people of the City of Chicago are God damn opinionated. And if that holds true, then there is no middle ground. It's a city of unforgiving haters and lovers, no one in between. Some may claim to be indifferent towards others, and I don't buy the bullshit. You have an opinion about everything; either you like it or you don't. And no one settles for mediocrity over here either. You Chicagoans are assholes and are good for an opinion and are one of the most judgemental people, but we like to say "we're just keeping it real" and I love it, which is why I find it hard to leave this damn city. And all in all, you still have been one of the most accepting cities I've been to.
Now, I wouldn't threaten anyone or try to scare anyone into not moving here. In fact, I encourage it. Need a backbone? You'll find it here. Worried about finding your niche? Trust me, it's here. We've been claimed as a melting pot. We're a clash of cultures, not of color or race. To further my point, I've found my niche, quite easily actually. I belong to the group that always strolls the streets of Chicago, most times more often than not, in Wrigley, 20+ people deep looking like the damn rainbow coalition with quite the foul mouths with no disregard for others around us. Yeah, that's my niche.