"If a man does his best, what else is there?"
- General George S. Patton
I think that General S. Patton is on to something. You ever here anyone claim that the "honeymoon period" lasts about 3 months? I have. And during those first 3 months, the guy always puts his best foot forward. Don't get me wrong, girls practice the art of deception, the fascade of miss independent, nothing phases me, and I am in control of my emotions. But to have expectations, even reasonable as they may be, there's a certain amount of disappointment to follow. The opposite sex does not function the way us women want them to. That's why it only happens in movies, in a fantasy world. Why do you think those movies make so much goddamn money? Like my roommate says, "damn you Nicolas Sparks for raising a standard that doesn't even exist."
Ahh, the reality of it is, if a guy puts his best foot forward, you get to see his greatest potential to be that "great guy" and then when it's, so called, in the bag, he gets comfortable. COMFORTABLE, not conformable when he slips away from the random good deeds of spontaneity. And guess who's insecurities begin to resurface to the point of irrational behavior? Us girls. It's unfortunate that our heart lives in our vagina these days.
Easier said than done, lets try not to expect too much. Far too many expectations lead to huge disappointment and then you're kicking yourself in the ass for letting your pea sized emotional sized brain think so far ahead. And guys, screw the best foot forward, I'm an amazing catch bullshit. Living a life with no standards? I guess it's the way to go. I've had it all wrong this whole time. Why strive or search for something that is statistically made to fail? As far as I'm concerned, go for the guy with the looks, the career, and a minute history of relationships gone bad. Then, do what you gotta do. At the end of the day, at least he's a good lay (please spare me the penile hubris) and is really nice to look at.
I don't need Mr. Right, I just WANT Mr. Right now, and if there's some God given chance that he turns into Mr. Right, then mother flippin' kudos! But you can bet on your grave that I'm sure as hell not holding my breath or hoping for the best. And yes, I am a pessimist. "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true."(James Branch Cabell) And goddamnit, we all know that we don't. Girls, believe me, I strongly agree that we hold the Power of the Pussy, but like good ol' Sharon Stone mentioned before, "Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship." So be careful girls, the world has always been cruel, and nothing's ever gonna change.